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Healing Community

online community for witches aka highly sensetive ppl aka empaths
 Monthly subscription
177kr/ 23Eur

This is a online community 
.As a member you'll receive 20 min. distant healing send by me every at every full moon .
Distant healing means that you have access
to the healing energy from any corner of this world.
Every FULL MOON we meet
for 2 hours on zoom where I will guide
a healing meditation and then make space for a Q&A


 Every NEW MOON I will teach

a class on zoom also followed by  Q&A 
These online sessions will be recorded and available on the forum, should you be unavailable that day. ​
My wish for you is to get even closer to
your powerful heart and your magical inner voice,
through these teachings, meditations and healings. 
And by that being able to create and live the amazing life that
you deserve to live every day filled with
peace, closeness, light, love, care and lots of fun.
Much LOVE Pardis 
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